They’re talking about us!

During the ongoing global pandemic, Cryptopsy vocalist Matt McGachy and his wife released two children’s books, which deal with the effects of social isolation on children.


February 17, 2021

I love it when metal gets wholesome.

Cryptopsy vocalist Matt McGachy and his wife have released two children’s books, which deal with the effects of social isolation during the global pandemic, something that can be particularly hard on young children.


Corinne Westbrook
Metal Injection, February 20th, 2021

Un éducateur en CPE de Saint-Laurent collabore à deux albums jeunesse


Laurent Lavoie
Journal du Métro – Saint-Laurent, February 24th, 2021

A free ebook about the small joys of confinement.

It’s perfect to renew with the joy of being together – and healthy.

(Our translation)


Marie Allard
LaPresse, 20 mai 2020

No daycare, no school. It’s the everyday life of many children and parents these days. Here is a very nice digital album produced by Mycelia Media, to help you approach this new reality.

(Our translation)

M. Mathieu Lacombe – Député de Papineau, Assemblée nationale du Québec
May, 21 2020

Pauline Lambert
TPL Moms, May 20 2020

GEM – Groupe d’entraide maternelle de la petite patrie
May 12 2020

Familles au coeur de Villeray
May 7 2020

Valérie Bastien
Guide Ressources Bibliothèque ÉPC

May 28 2020

Bibliothèque de Brossard
21 mai 2020